Ingredients 200g of fresh strawberries 3 medium sized peaches 1 tbsp of maple syrup Fresh lemon and lime juice 100g rolled oats 100g plain flour 150g unsalted butter (cut into cubes) 3 tbsp of coconut sugar or brown sugar 1 tsp of baking powder 1 tsp of...
Ingredients 350ml Benna Pro Milk Strawberry 80g frozen strawberries 80g frozen pineapple 1tbsp chia seeds Instructions In a blender cup put the frozen strawberries, pineapple and chia seeds. Add 350ml of Benna Pro Milk Strawberry. Blend until mixture is smooth and...
Ingredients 300ml Benna Chocolate milkshake 2 scoops vanilla ice-cream Cookies Ice Instructions In a blender cup put 2 scoops vanilla ice-cream, cookies (to your liking), a bit of ice cubes and 300ml Benna Chocolate milkshake. Blend until mixture is smooth and thick....
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