Ingredients 1 Benna Light Peach Yogurt 200g chopped grapes 2 chopped small clementines 200g dark chocolate Method In a bowl add the fruit and yogurt. Mix well. Scoop about 1 tablespoon of yogurt mixture and transfer on a parchment Place the yogurt in the freezer for...
Ingredients Mix Berries and Avocado Smoothie 1/2 an avocado 170g of frozen berries 2 tbsp honey 1 tbsp chia seeds 350ml Benna Pro Milk 2 tbsps Benna Light Natural Yogurt (do not blend add the yogurt in the glass) Banana Mango Smoothie 1/2 a banana 170 g frozen...
Ingredients 450ml Benna Whole Milk 100g dark chocolate 2 tbsps cacao powder 1 cinnamon stick Whipped cream (optional) Instructions Chop the chocolate into small chunks and add them into a saucepan together with 250ml of Benna Whole Milk. On a low heat start by...
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